What's difference between conductive ink and Contact pill for a Silicone keypad?
What's difference between conductive ink and Contact pill?
Many customers asked us this question wehen they on design drawing process.
Should I choose conductive ink or contact pill?
Here are some related instructions:
1, The Condutive ink usually will be cost less than contact pill
2, The Contact pill usually Has a longer service life
3, Some types of contact pill like gold pill have better electrical conductivity
4, For some For some non-circular contact, We recommend choose conductive ink, it more easy to realize
Here are two pictures, #1 picture is a silicone keypad with circle shape , and used condutive ink. #2 is a silicone keypad with carbon pill.

If you are interesting to know more about silicon keypad, you can review our website and contact with us, www.fromrubber.com